This idea is still in development... a work in progress rather than a finished product. I am looking for a way to remind people of the fact that they are using electricity. By incorporating the shape of a coiled electrical cord, I hint at electrical consumption, while also creating a nice functionality. Instead of having all the plugs grouped in one block (which can be very complicated when you have to plug in several bulky chargers side by side), the powerboard becomes a flexible object that you can expand in the available space.

light bulb and plug

Ce projet est plus une recherche qu’un produit fini. Je cherchais un moyen de rappeler aux gens que l’électricité consomme de l’énergie. J’ai donné aux objets les plus liés a la consommation cette forme de câble, bref clin d’œil, qui dessert la fonction assez justement.